Genetically Modified Crops

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• The crops in which one or many of its traits are altered or 

enhanced through a process of genetic engineering known 

as GM crops i.e. Bt. Cotton developed against cotton boll 


• Bacillus thuringensis is a soil bacterium that produces 

proteins lethal to insect larvae affecting the digestive system of boll worms. 

• The gene responsible for this effect is Cry-lAc. 

• GM cotton is only crop permitted by Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) under Ministry of Environment and Forestry first permitted on March, 2002.


• Bt. Cotton varieties developed by Mahyco: MECH-12, 

MECH-162, MFCH-184 for Southern States and RCH-134, 

RCH-138 suitable for Northern India. 

• Mahyco collaborated with Monsanto to developed Bt. 

Variety Bollgourd-1, using Cry -I Ac gene.  AgriYuvaa

• Bt. Variety developed as Bollgourd-ll, having both 

genes of Cry I Ac and Cry 2 Ab gene. 

• First transgenic crop was: Bt. Tobacco (1987) 


• Mostly GM traits are used as herbicides resistant traits 

followed by quality improvements and insecticides  resistant traits.

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