Most Common Questions For AGRICULTURE Exam's


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(1). Indian Institute of Pulses Research is located 

Ans .  c. Kanpur 

(2). National Research Centre for Groundnut is located 

Ans .. Junagarh 

(3). Dual purpose breed of cow in India 

Ans . a. Haryana 

(4). Highest % of fat in Buffalo breed 

Ans . a. Bhadawari 

(5). Citrus cracking is due to 

Ans . c. Deficiency of boron 

(6). Deficiency symptom first appears on older or lower leaves 

Ans . a. Potassium 

(8). Seed rate (kg/ha) of Maize is 

Ans . b. 18-20 

(9). No till planter used for- 

Ans . b. Sowing 

(10). Aluminium phosphide 

Ans . d. Rotendicide 

(11). Khapra beetle is related to 

Ans . a. Storage food grain pest 

(12). Maximum export agriculture product in India 

Ans . b. Onion 

(13). Which one is variety of onion 

Ans . b. Agri found 

(14). Maximum production and area of potato in state 

Ans . c. Uttar Pradesh 

d. Rajasthan 

(15). Central Agriculture University is located in 

Ans . a. Imphal 

(16). Most famous variety of mandarin 

Ans . a. Kinnow 

(17). Delinting of cotton is done using- 

Ans . a. H2SO4 


(18). Most popular variety of North India 

Ans . a. Dashehari 


(19). Famous variety of grape in India 

Ans . c. Thomas seedless 

(20). Black heart of potato is a - 

Ans . b. Physiological disorder 

(21). Reinfiltration through soil surface is called- 

Ans . d. Percolation 

(22). Alkali soil having pH of- 

Ans . b. >8.5 

(23). Oat production in India- 

Ans . a. 2-3 tonnes 

(24). Vasantrao Naik Award is for-  AgriYuvaa

Ans . d. Best Research in dry land Farming 

(25). Available water for plant growth is- 

Ans . b. Capillary water 

(26). Indian Journal of Agriculture Science is published in 

Ans . c. Quarterly 

(27). Pramalini is a variety of 

Ans . b. Kagzi lime 

(28). Grape cutting time- 

Ans . a. Oct.-Nov. 

(29). Spacing of apple 

Ans . c. 6 x 6 m

(30). High density planting in banana 

Ans . b. 1.2 x 1.2 m 

(32). Dieback of citrus occurs due to the deficiency 

Ans . b. Cu 

(33). Which statement is incorrect in relation to drip irrigation 

Ans . a. Low fertilizer use efficiency 


(34). Propping done in 

Ans . c. Banana 

(35). Best telegram channel : Agriculture compitition discussion

(36). Which is Primary tillage implement 

a. Wooden plough 

b. Hand hoe l

c. Disc harrowing 

Ans . d. All of these 

(37). Egg parasitoid 

Ans . b. Trichogramma 

(38). Mango variety which is planted at the rate of 1600 plants/ha 

Ans . a. Amarapali 

(39). Apex institute for agriculture marketing in India 

Ans . a. NAFED 

(40). Best control method for stored grain pest 

Ans . b. Fumigation 

(41). Little leaf of litchi 

Ans . c. Zn deficiency 

(42). Die back of citrus 

Ans . a. Cu deficiency 

(43). Which one is main function of AGMARK - 

Ans . a. Maintain quality of commodity 

(44). Most popular variety of tomato 

Ans . c. Pusa ruby 

(45). Leaf curl of chillies is due to- 

Ans . a. Thrips

(46). Which variety of radish can be grown throughout the year 

Ans . c. Pusa himani 

(47). Indian journal of fertilisers is published by 

Ans . c. Fertilizer Association of India 

(48). Early maturity variety of maize is- 

Ans . a. Ganga safeda 

(49). The main storage polysaccharide in animal cells is 

Ans . a. Glycogen 

(50). Variety of mango available in may-august 

Ans . a. Dasheri

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