#agriculturecompitition #Nitrogen ▪️Impart green colour to plant encourages vegetative growth ▪️ Nitrogen is essential constituent of protein ▪️ Constituent of Protoplasm of chlorophyll and coenzyme. ▪️ Play important role in synthesis of auxin #Deficiency ▪️ Lower leaves become yellow and dries. ▪️V shaped chlorosis on older leaves or yellowing at tip. #Disease ▪️Starvation disease due to nitrogen deficiency. ▪️Buttoning in cauliflower. Role_of_nutrients_and_their_deficiency_Symptoms #Potassium ▪️Most essential function of K+ is stomata regulation. ▪️Provides disease resistance in plants. ▪️Cofactor for enzymes. ▪️Formation and translocation of Sugars. ▪️Helps in chlorophyll formation. #Deficiency ▪️Spot of dead tissue at tips. ▪️Scorching and burning on margins of autumn leaves. #Disease ▪️Rottle/ dieback disease. Role_of_nutrients_and_their_deficiency_Symptoms. #Phosphorous ▪️Increase the disease resistance. ▪️ Enhance new cell formation and necessary for root...